Monday, 3 August 2015


Your Shadow

That night,she felt like her ceaseless wait was over.

Her wood-brown curls waved in the air blowing through the wind. The moon lit up her pale face. Her legs dangled off at the edge of the comfy-chair. The classic story by Peter Brown was resting on her lap.A sketch book too was waiting for it's turn, it’s pages empty. She held a pencil but didn’t touch it to the paper.

 Every few minutes water brushed off her feet with the salt. The sand behind was shinning silvery white. The glitter in her eyes were the reflection of the floating pearls in the water. The forest behind was such black where even the darkness would fear to enter. The stars covered the sky like a blanket. Smoke rose up circling in the air from the burnt woods.Aroma of lilies bathed the atmosphere.She could feel the tranquility in surrounding.

He tip-toed from behind without a noise. She didn’t glance back, she didn’t turn her head; she made no indication that she even saw the man behind.

 His beach-colored bottoms hanged loosely.His demeanor perfect to arouse her breath. He was wearing her favorite Ralph Lauren's off- blue shirt revealing his neat chest. He never forgot his treasured Rado. His jet-black hair with soft cuts covered half of his forehead.He smelled of Versace.God's flawless carving!He planted a peck on her head from behind and stood back.

The girl closed her sketchbook. “I’ve been ready. I was only waiting since years.” She pushed a strand of hair falling on her cheeks behind her ear and stood up.

She turned facing him with a smile on her face. “Let’s go!”. He observes her lean body. The Christian Dior's milky white gown flew loose ending up just above her ankle.Her locks ended at her slender waist with caramel-highlighted curls.A silver bling hung around her bare neck complementing the diamond hearings which he gifted her on their last Valentine they celebrated years ago.

Her little bare feet covered with mud and salt were perfectly carved.Eyes puffed due to unending tears spoke of ages they longed to glare him for once.He wished to tie knot with her for once but destiny had other plans for them.

She saw 'no' shadow of him...

“Don’t be so cheerful,” he told her, turning around. “This isn’t a happy errand to be doing.” They walked across the pier, side-by-side. The man was inches above her head. They looked picture perfect. “Yeah, but,” she paused for a moment. “It’s an errand with you! You know how rare that is, don’t you? We never get to do this.” The man frowned at her.

“You have a much different idea of this than I do,” he muttered. “I don’t see this as very exciting in the least.” They stopped at where the pier met the street. That’s why I’m here,” the  girl chimed in. “I make it become exciting.” She grinned at him.

"Yeah, that's exactly why I've chose you", he said wiping the baby tear cornering his eye. He lightly tapped her back and whispered in her ears "let's go. We don't have much time sweet-heart"

The girl followed him holding his soft palm escaping through bones and flesh dissipating into air.

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